Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Ten Drinking Games You Need To Play!

Today I thought we should live up to the name, Wasted Youth, and explain how so many of you are wasting your time and energy by playing…Beer Pong. I love it as much as the next guy but it is time to wake up and smell the fresh vomit stains! There are so many other great drinking games you could be playing and I am here to share the basics of ten great drinking games you should be playing but probably never have!

Buffalo or Water Buffalo- All you need is a drink and people to play with. The rules are simple:
-you cannot hold a drink in your dominate hand. 
-You cannot drink using your dominate hand, and if anyone calls you on it by saying, “Buffalo” then you must finish the drink you are holding right then and there.
   This is a great way to get a small party talking and keeping everyone on their toes. It’s easy to play while passing the time and waiting for your turn on the pong table but also so easy to forget you are playing which is what makes it fun. Be careful though because calling Buffalo to find out someone is using their non-dominate hand results in you having to chug your entire drink.

The Game of Life- No, I do not mean the board game, who wants to sit around and play a game about the thing that is causing them to drink? The game of life although similar to Buffalo is still different. The rules are also simple, you simply have to make sure your drinking vessel, be it bottle, cup or can is damaged in some form or fashion. This keeps you safe, and if at any time someone comes up to you and says, “The Game of Life” you must show them your drink and it’s damage. If you are caught without a damaged vessel you must chug the rest of that drink and promptly grab another.

...Oh and did I forget to mention, once you opt in to play Buffalo or The Game of Life, you are playing forever.

Confidence- is a simple game that requires a few players, a large cup, and a coin of some sort. The game play is straight forward. You begin by pouring some of your drink into the cup as a wager, it can be as little or as much as you want depending on how confident you are. Then you flip the coin and call it in the air. If you are right, you pass the cup to the left (with your drink contents still in it) and the next person repeats, if you are wrong, you must drink the entire contents of the cup!

Thumper- A little more complicated, each player chooses a hand gesture whether it be simple, polite, or sexually enticing, it must be short. The game starts by everyone drumming on the table and someone says, “What’s the name of the game?” everyone must respond, “Thumper!” the leader who started it must then say, “and why do we play?” to which everyone responds, “to get Fucked up!” The leader then performs their hand gesture towards another player who quickly repeats the first gesture and adding their own. Each player must repeat the pattern and add their own until someone misses their Que or is to slow or messes up the pattern and is crowned the “violator.” That person must drink and then begins the next round.

Fuck you- If you have ever played Uno then you will understand fuck you! You deal out an entire deck of cards around the table and the first person plays a card like the 5 of hearts and says Fuck so and so, the person they declare must take five drinks from their drink or if they also have a five can play their five on top of it and declare “Fuck you” to another player passing on the original 5 plus the new five making that person take 10 drinks. At any point someone can throw their matching card on top to make the Fuck more for the drinking player or save that player and pass the new total to a new player. Everyone plays until the last card is assigned and even if you are out of cards you can still be fucked.

Dirty Jenga- Simple, all you need is a Jenga set and a sharpie marker. From there you write different punishments on each block i.e. take a shot, truth or dare, never have I ever, or pass your phone. Think of it like waterfall but with Jenga. Whoever knocks the stack over loses and has to chug the remainder of their drink. Keep in mind that at no point in this game can you have an empty drink.

Battle Shots- I’m not sure if this one needs explaining, it is battle ship but with shots. You can play two ways. The first is where you set up a normal battle ship game and every time your opponent gets a hit you take a shot. The other, which is much more complicated, is where you build your own set up and place the shot glasses on different sectors of the grid. Whenever your opponent hits one of the shots and sinks the shot you must drink it.

Beer Ball / Beer Run- This game has evolved quite quickly in its short lifespan. The original, beer ball is where you set a beer on each end of the table. From the opposite side of the table you try to throw a ball at the beer and hit it. If you hit it you then drink the beer in front of you until your opponent retrieves the ball and places it on the table. Whoever finishes their beer first wins. 
    This game can also be played in teams.

    The evolution which is known as beer run is where you set up 5 cups of beer at the opposite end of the table from the shooter. They shoot the ball and once a cup is made their teammate chugs the beer and has to proceed to flip the cup from its base onto its open mouth before swapping ends with their partner and repeating the process. Whichever team finishes their 5 beers first is the winner. A simple mixture of flip cup and beer pong.

Liars Dice- This one requires a few materials in order to play but is a great game for drinking or gambling. You will need a non-transparent cup for each player and 5 dice. 
    All players shake their dice in their cup (much like Yahtzee) and slam the cup down covering their dice. The player going first looks at their dice and proclaims how many times a selected number occurs on the table. An example of this would be two 3's. The next player then can proclaim there are more of the same number or more of a higher number. If they think the previous player is lying they can call the players bluff and if they think the player is spot on they can also call "spot on." 
    Once a call is made all dice on the table are revealed.
    If you call a bluff and it is correct then the lying player looses the round, takes a drink, and looses a dice. 
    If you call a bluff and it is wrong then you loose the round, take a drink, and loose a dice.
    If you call spot on and are correct then every player except you looses a dice and takes a drink. If you are wrong then you loose a dice and take a drink. 
    the game continues until only one player has dice left. 

True America- The most complex but also exciting game on the list. Imagine the floor is lava meets candy land meets alcoholism.  First you build the castle in the center of the room by placing a bottle of liquor first which is the king. Radiating outward is a 4 rows of beers that are the pawns.
The goal is to traverse the playing spots in the room without touching the floor which means that playing spots are chairs, cushions, tables, etc.

 The game persists of 4 zones created by the angles of the pawns and in those 4 zones are 5 spots to stand.  The center standing spot is the closest to the castle and the only position in which you can take a pawn. 

The goal of the game is to be the first player to land on a center space, have all of the pawns removed and drink from the king. You lose if you touch the lava, do not have a drink or are holding an empty drink. You can come back into the game by drinking a beer and starting at a spot that the other players choose for you.

The game begins by each player shot gunning a beer, the first one done goes first. The winner then yells, “ 1 2 3 JFk” to which all other players respond FDR, grab a pawn and run to a spot. Everyone moves around the field clockwise. Whoever it’s turn is moves 1 space and then provides a chance for everyone else to win a move with 1 of 3 games.

The Count: All players yell 1,2,3 and throw a number of fingers between 1-5 on their fore head, whoever has chosen a number than no one else has chosen gets to move one space.

Complete the Quote: The player begins a quote slowly from history or pop culture and whichever players can complete the quote in tandem win and can move 2 spots.

Something in Common: The player can list two places, people, or things and whoever can declare what these things have in common wins and moves 3 spots.

By laws of True America:
 Everything you hear in true America…is a Lie

When someone finishes a beer they yell, “All trash belongs…” and everyone must respond with, “In the Junk yard!” at which point empty cans are thrown to the designated receptacle.

At any point a player may yell “JFK” and everyone must respond with “FDR” and finish their beer.

Monday, June 22, 2015

The American Dream

    Today I want to talk about the American Dream and I don’t mean Dusty Roads that was last week. I want to talk about the idea that we are all “Guaranteed” greatness and fortune here in America. I want to tell you all about how The American Dream is dead and how it is a lie we have all been force fed by bureaucrats who simply want to make promises they cannot keep in order to win our votes. 

    I want to tear apart this idea and explain to you all how dreams ARE NOT REAL, that they are simply illusions of our subconscious that form in our mind while we sleep. I want to urge you to stop pursuing these empty dreams and instead to embrace that this land is the land of opportunity and that it will present many opportunities to you if you truly work for them.

    That’s what I wanted to say, and then I did some research and found this…

 That was it, I have no leg to stand on now, and my anger has to cause to be anymore and all by a simple definition. I realize now that it hasn’t been the American bureaucrats lying to any of us; it is our own ignorance on the topic. We have developed an entitled mentality and that has caused us all to use this idea to back up our arguments when we lack the true idea of it.

The American Dream is achieved because we live in a land of opportunity. We all have the ability and right to better ourselves, to rise through the ranks, and to strive for more. This was something our elders understood and worked towards. This is something they made sacrifices for in times of need and it is a lesson we as a younger generation need to learn ourselves. The only thing standing in our way is our self. 

Friday, June 19, 2015

Being True to Yourself

    Growing up I had a friend who I truly would call my best friend, not that I only had 1 best friend, but this friend was the one who influenced me the most. The best way to summarize the relationship we had is to look at it in pirate terms. If I were the captain of my rag tag group then he was the first mate. A fairly egotistical metaphor I know but also honest. Why was I the captain and he the first mate, because among the group of rag tag scoundrels I led he was the only one who would not be led, he was the one I went to for my peace of mind and he was the one who always knew where he stood. He and I together were Duality.

    Allow me to explain, growing up I constantly sought out acceptance from others and aimed to fit in by blending in, I was a chameleon, always changing my style and thoughts and trying to be something I was not in order to be cool or even liked. My counterpart, who I will refer to as Doll Face, enjoyed seclusion from others, he stuck to his own views and his own style, never changing who he was even when people tried and tried to crack that porcelain shell.

    My way led me to a life of constant identity questioning and changing, never truly being happy and never truly fitting in anywhere. It made me always see the grass as being greener instead of working to grow my own. His way caused people to flock to him, to want to be associated with him and even made people question what it was that they were even though that was never his goal. Doll Face never wavered to who he was even in temptation and that made him cool to others, it made him that strong quiet type. It made him type that the girls wanted to figure out the mystery behind and the guys wanted to be seen as that mystery. I became known as a loud and outspoken odd ball with brightly colored braces that scared girls away and made the guys want to hit him which is why Doll Face ironically started to call me Stitch Mouth.

    I spent so much time trying to be cool, trying to be funny, trying to be dark, mysterious, trying to be accepted that I never stopped and tried to be myself. Not until 12 years later after I had come to terms that I never took time to meet myself, to stare myself in the eyes, and get to know who I truly was. I didn’t meet myself until I was 26 and had the world fall apart around me, or at least what I thought was the world. That is when I realized that my best me, the me that would have been cool, the me that could have known everyone and done everything is the me who doesn’t care about how he is seen or who he impresses, it is the me that lives life for himself and understands in his own thoughts, his own beliefs and his own ideas. Me that is open to accepting other people’s views and ideas and enjoys every part of life that comes at him.

    I aim to leave every reader with a uplifting thought here at the conclusion, something to inspire them to do more and be more, to achieve their own greatness and today is no different. Today, I ask all of you to stop living to blend in, but instead to stand out. Stop chasing the crowd, but to turn and lead it. Stop being told what to believe and instead believe what is right for you. I ask that you take some time to get to know who you really are before you are simply another face among the mass that goes through the motions of day to day life. 

Monday, June 8, 2015

    Money, the root of all evil, the fuel that makes the world turn! None of us have enough and yet some of us have too much.  Big-E use to say, “Mo Money, Mo problems.” I would much rather have Big-E’s problems than my own…besides the being shot and killed thing. They say that money doesn’t buy you happiness but if that is the case, then why do people with money appear happier than those of us with little to no money.

    I often find myself looking for money in hopes of buying a happier lifestyle and every time I do, I end up unhappier than I ever was. There is a trap we don’t see when we chase money, a trap we cannot escape from and that trap is called the Rat Race. The more money we want, the harder we work, and the harder we work the more money we end up paying back to the hand that feeds us.  It took me years to figure out this trap and sadly I still fall victim to it more often than I should. We have grown up in this living marketplace culture where everything has a price and everyone believes they are guaranteed a piece of the pie. Allow me to be the bearer of bad news and tell you, not everyone gets a piece. No one is guaranteed greatness, no one is promised riches, and none of us handed gold. We all sow what we reap, but not all of us will reap what we sow.

    There is a solution though, something that I constantly have to be reminded myself. Money is fleeting. Possessions deteriorate, and valuables lost, but happiness, peace, and greatness, they all come from within, and they are what will truly make you rich in this world. With those three things you can truly achieve anything you want, you can overcome everything you face, and be the person you were meant to be. It is time that we stop trying to chase money, and instead chase our dreams. It is time we stop living to be someone else, but live to be ourselves!