It has been a while since I have taken the time to write
anything and that is mainly because I have felt like I have had nothing to
share and so much draining me that writing has taken a back burner. Today, I
read an article that bothered me. It stated:
“Because the CIFC (coffee is for closers) principle can come
off as harsh and negative, today’s parents and educators have neglected to
alert their children and/or students that it is still the core of every
business. They’ve instead chosen to
advise them to “follow their dreams,” “find a job they love,” and “do only that
which makes them happy.”… Thinking they’ve set young people on a journey
towards career happiness, what these well-intending adults have actually done
is send millions of young people into the workforce with the misguided
perception that they are entitled to their “coffee” simply by virtue of getting
hired and reporting to a job.”
Now I know what you are thinking, “Damn Jim, normally you
post uplifting and positive things in hopes of inspiring the world.” Well hold
your damn horses there Mr(s). Negativity, pump the fucking breaks because the magic
is coming!
I agree that nothing is entitled in a job and takes work but
I dis-agree with the “misguided perception” that we should just work to live
outside of work. This has been a real struggle for me lately and I had lost
that passion to do what I love with hopes of turning it into something more
than a hobby, but last night someone struck a chord and reminded me of what my
mission had been for the past 8 months.
Last night I was present for the release party for West
Albaladejo’s newest CD and managed to get my hands on a copy (which I now owe
West $5.00 for) titled “Feeding Time.” I am not the kind of person who writes
about music all willy-nilly because for me to put an honest stamp of approval
on a song or album it has to stir up an emotion inside of me and create
pictures in my mind and this is exactly what West has accomplished with “Feeding
Time.” It is an album that reminds me that no matter what happens, “life is not
half bad.” Listening to this masterpiece of moving words and melodies creates a
magical menagerie of memories and mesmerizing moving pictures in my mind that
make me want to sit down and write a script that his music could be the
soundtrack to. I have been unable to decide on which track has been my favorite
thus far because a track like “Not ½ Bad” inspires me to play it for my
hypothetical children that I hope one day exist when I put them down for the
night where as “Chili Dogs and Cigarettes” make me want to wander down memory
lane and just think about everything I have seen in this life and the people I
have shared the world with.
I can defiantly say that without a doubt this entire album
and the work West put into it inspire me to work towards those passions in my
life that I love and make me happy, the kind that make me say fuck your coffee
because every day is filled with passion and brings on a new adventure. I
advise anyone who feels lost in the day to day or even just loves good tunes to
check out West Albaladejo’s “Feeding Time" and see if it inspires you to go
after those passions in life!
For information about other local acts or just some down to
earth entertainment check out
photos "courtesy" of West Albaladejo (sorry for snatching them off FB but I didn't have any to use)
To read the rest of the "coffee is for closers" article follow the link below and witness how easy it is to cut peoples words from something and twist them around for your own use.