Monday, August 3, 2015

12 Exercises To Get You Sexy!

 With all of the drinking and fast food in our lives it seems hard to keep off the pounds. It seems more important than ever to be in shape in what seems to be a very vanity driven world, thank you Hollywood. I know some of us are getting gym memberships or have had them and have fought with that dedication and drive to want to really work at it. I get it guys, pain is guaranteed but the torment is a choice and honestly this trunky fuck often chooses comfort over the pain and torment. It is ten times easier to watch Netflix and eat snacks all day but what kind of life is that? One I want to get away from, so I want to tell you guys about…

The 12 Exercises You Needed To Get Sexy!

We all know how to do a pushup, maybe not the right way but the general idea. This is a very basic workout that you can adapt into new ways. Pushups help define all of your bodies’ muscles and improve posture while increasing testosterone levels.

Plant your hands under your shoulders, or slightly wider apart, tighten your body, tuck your chin, and just hold it. Another very adaptable exercise; there are side planks, low planks, even wood planks. Doing planks helps build deep inner core muscle and helps create a toned belly.

Glute Bridge
This one is new to me, lie on your back and separate your legs shoulder width apart. Point your knees toward the ceiling and lift your torso up while contracting your abs. You are basically air humping at the ceiling. Glute Bridges help with core stabilization and firms the glutes.

Spider Lunges
Another new one also known as Spiderman Lunges, first, you get into a position that looks like you are at the top of a pushup. Then step forward with one leg and bring it next to the exterior of your elbow then step back. Repeat the process for each leg. Spider Lunges work most of the major back muscles and the muscles used for a pushup.

Plank Taps
These are just like the plank where you hold yourself up like a pushup but alternate lifting one arm and touching the opposite shoulder. This is really just an added hardship to planks.

We all know how to do squats right, keep your back straight and drop down while bending at the knees then come back up. Squats work out the entire body and burn more fat, and ladies they make the ass look great!

Side Lunges
Hold your chest straight and lunge to the left or right while keeping one foot planted. It looks similar to a football player trying to break away from a defender. Side Lunges help build lower body mass and define the butt as well.

Squat Jumps
Just like doing a squat but you come up and do a jump into the air. The Squat Jump works all of the same muscles as a squat and then some and the deeper the drop the more calories you burn.

Jumping Lunge
Step one foot out and bend it at the knee to 90 degrees while lowering on the other but don’t let it touch the ground. Push up and jump in order to switch feet and repeat the process. Jump Lunges work the hamstrings along with other lower body muscles but remember to warm up before doing this exercise or all of them.

Single-Leg Deadlift
This one looks like a yoga move. Stand up straight, tighten your core and put all of your weight on the planted leg. Raise one leg behind you while keeping the toes pointed at the ground and bending at the hips. Return to upright and repeat the process. These reps require great balance and are great for strengthening your non-dominate leg.

Reverse Lunges
Much like a lunge but instead of stepping forward you step back with one leg while bringing the other down to 90 degrees. Reverse Lunges help make you more flexible and improve endurance.

The Walkout
No, this is not where you throw your hands up and walk out of the gym, the exact opposite. Start by standing up straight, bend at the hips and place your hands on the ground. Once you have your balance start walking your hands forward until you end up in a held pushup position. Walk your hands backwards so you return to standing position and repeat the process. Walkouts work the abs, and those pesky love handles along with the legs.

Mixing any of these exercises into sets of 10 with repetitive circuits can help you burn fat, gain muscle, improve posture, and make you DAMN SEXY!

Keep in mind though that any good exercise routine requires cardio and a good diet so put some work into it! 

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